31 January 2010


So this whole 'Weekly Wrap' thing is becoming a bit lame, especially during these long, dark, boring, weeks of winter. I've decided to change it up...
Back in November, Paulie P totally surprised me with an awesome digital slr for my 28th birthday. I was a bit timid at first but we're getting to know each other. I'm thinking of posting a photo a day through February. Anticipating our big vaca this summer, I want to know this guy inside and out!


This is Ruthie.

She spent the weekend with us...I wish we could keep her!
(I think it's time Cal got a little friend)

30 January 2010

Ode to Dennis

Dennis is heading west in a few short weeks...we took him out for a night of bowling!

Fun as always, although we got a little bit competitive...

(this chica was my competition...she bowled a 7...no lie)

This is Dennis

Dennis went to Philly U. Dennis made awesome models. Dennis fell in love with a hippy once and disappeared for a bit. Dennis used to have spiky hair and resembled Sonic (the hedgehog). Dennis has a journal. Dennis sometimes likes Bloody Face. Dennis makes love to his camera. Dennis likes to dress up as a cowboy. Dennis stays up until 3am on school nights. Dennis likes to compartmentalize his belongings. Dennis is always trading in his cars. Dennis has a best friend named Steve. Dennis has a brother named Germain. Dennis ques the deer. Dennis let me sleep on his sofa for months. Dennis always brings a good time. Dennis is a loyal friend. Dennis is moving to Washington, the state. Dennis will be missed.

(all photos courtesy of Dennis himself)

18 January 2010

Weekly Wrap

MONDAY start to another work week...no traffic...Columbus Day... a fox ran in front of my car...he's fine...worked out. TUESDAY chickies with some of the snob mob...could eat eight baskets of crab fries...ate one. WEDNESDAY nada...gym. THURSDAY same old...gym! FRIDAY sold my iPod...bought an iPod...distracted, caught myself as I attempted to walk down the up escalator...Paulie P went into hysterics...nice. SATURDAY decided to say goodbye to my permed rat tail...chopped my do...hung with E.E...bowled in the city for Dennis's last hurrah...I was the ultimate winner...i miss that kid! SUNDAY raining mess...pizza at the Polinsky's...sleep.

Weekly Wrap x Two

FRIDAY lounged at 236...ate lots of ribs for kids, wings and steak fries in blue cheese dressing...Pictureka...Mom rolled a 5 every turn...fell asleep on the sofa. SATURDAY Ikea again...Paulie P whines it's crowed as always...hit up Best Buy to appease the guy...movie by the fire. SUNDAY 3 degrees out...fire by the sofa...sweats all day...caught up on the DVR. MONDAY back to reality...seasonal depression. TUESDAY work again...designed, cut and pasted...finished invitation schemes...felt accomplished. WEDNESDAY sat the kids...Mark used the word criminal to describe Home Alone...Mark is 4...forgot what I missed. THURSDAY joined the Gym...found my dad there. FRIDAY woke up to snow...first week back over...beer and burgers. SATURDAY Paulie P started demo on the master bathroom...put away the toys...built a lego house...tried Pizzaria Stella with E.E., Keb and the guys...I like cheese...Don loves clams. SUNDAY more demo...Rick helped...organized the office...changed the name of the office to the studio...dinner with the FellOnYa's at 236.

MONDAY ugh...gym. TUESDAY same old...received bad news. WEDNESDAY dinner with the Mrs. P...discovered the Nie Nie Dialogues...incredibly inspired and sucked in. THURSDAY decided to read from the begining...emotionally drained 3 hours later. FRIDAY take out, movie and fire at home with Paulie P. SATURDAY Christmas again...Jersey shore...28 family members...best shrimp scampi ever...wild kids...presents...italian grub...pollyanna...success SUNDAY rainy day...finally got groceries...baked red velvet cupcakes...homemade pizza with the Lo's...Cal stole 5 cupcakes...24...bed.

17 January 2010

Christmas in January

As always, Christmas at the shore was scheduled for the weekend before the big day...this year 2 feet of snow got in the way. We were in charge of dessert for the small fries. I decided on cupcakes, with a little bit of help from Cal...

They seemed to be a hit!

As for the pollyanna this year, I decided to get a little creative. Although one of my favorite things is buying gifts, I find it pretty hard to find something that's a) worth 50 bucks, b) for a couple, and c) for a couple that ranges in age from 20 to 60. So I created a money tree...what's better than 50 bucks to spend as you please, and even better, it serves as a decoration for the holiday season...although i guess decorations are done with. Boo.

Anyway...it was a great holiday spent by all 28 of us!

14 January 2010

Super Frustrated

So it's been a week and a half, and being the crazy perfectionist that I am, hasn't posted anything because I'm embarrassed by the look of my page...pretty lame i know, but the designer always gets the best of me. I wish the computer was on my team!

03 January 2010


They say 'better late than never'...so here we are.
Kim K and Paulie P

It's been two years (actually eleven) and we've done a lousy job
of keeping track of our daily adventures.
We'll see how this goes...