I heart this city, and have ever since the day I stepped foot here seven years ago. There's just something about it that completely absorbs me. There's no way we could sit out a layover without saying hello.
After nearly 24 hours of traveling, including a 9 hour layover in JFK we finally made it to our home away from home. A nap was desperately calling our names but only for a short while in order to keep up with the time zone. Well rested we hit the streets. Staying in Leicester Square in Soho, happens to put us in the middle of everything. We wandered the cobble stoned streets towards Big Ben in the distance, crossed the Westminster Bridge and walked along the Thames admiring the street artists and musicians. Our goal was to make it to our favorite, the Tate Modern, however we were a bit disappointed...usually they have an over scaled lawn sculpture installation as well as an over the top interior installation throughout the public corridor...nothing this time. Crossing the Millennium Bridge we took a few shots of St. Paul's Cathedral reminiscing when we once climbed the 361 ft staircase to the top, oy. A short tube ride back to Leicester Square we found ourselves eating dinner outside in the 80 degree weather watching the sun set at about 10pm while enjoying some locally brewed beers. Perfect!

Paulie P with Big Ben.
These street mimes freak me out every time. Toss them some money and the frozen bodies robotically switch positions...or ask for a handshake in this case.
This women has been painting this for the past 5 weeks...crazy talented.
I need to teach this boy some technique.
Tate Modern
St. Paul's Cathedral
Cool architecture right?